Someone once said that in the age of the internet that one should own one’s identity URL. So, I purchased mine and decided to build a website. This is my first page and I want to tell you a little bit about myself. I am currently 66 years old. I often wondered what it would be like to reach this age, and frequently thought I never would. 66 seemed so far away when I was just starting out in my working career. I can recall looking out to the year 2020, when I would theoretically be able to retire and thinking that 40 years to retirement is a long time. 

Little did I realize in 1981 that I would ever be anywhere but the panhandle of Florida for the rest of my life. I expected to work for the same company until I retired, spend my retirement there, and die there. Somewhere along about 2002 fate intervened and moved us to a small town near Savannah, GA. We stayed in GA for 3½ years and then on to the west and Arizona. We landed in Seligman, AZ for another 3½ years and then to Delaware, where we have been for the past 14, going on 15 years. 

I worked for energy companies for most of my career, with the stint in Arizona working for a limestone mining company. My specialties are in industrial water treatment, boiler chemistry, environmental compliance, water management plans, and Legionella sampling. I left the energy industry in 2017 after starting my own business in late 2016. While it has been a struggle to get off the ground with my consulting career things are going well and business is slowly increasing. I am doing more contract work and have a good contract with a large hospital system. I hope to see continuing increases in the contract work to supplement the hospital system contract and my monthly SSI payments. 

I have enjoyed writing, on and off for the past few years. I began as a kind of personal therapy and have written some articles for publication on Medium.com. Many years in the past, when I was in college taking an English class the instructor told all of the students that we were required to follow standard English grammar rules. The only exception was for published writers, considered professionals and therefore know what they are doing and are allowed to break the rules at will. So, now that I have been published and paid by Medium I am no longer bound by the rules of standard English grammar (though I will attempt to adhere to them) and any errors should be considered to be made on purpose, as a professional writer.

For the two or three people that may show up here from time to time, thank you for visiting. If you are inclined to leave a comment or want to send me a message, please do. I will try not to be too self-indulgent.

Here is hoping that you have a great day!
